Community Building Ministries

Bereavement Ministry​

The Bereavement Ministry is there for anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. The team is composed of both clergy and lay ministers. Support groups meet for one session in the fall for 8 consecutive weeks and are usually facilitated by the lay ministers. The Bereavement Ministry is also there to help those who may need to speak to someone on an individual basis, be it a member of the clergy or a lay minister.

CYO Youth Ministry

St. Michael's/Holy Spirit CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) is Youth Ministry based.  This means our teens hold leadership positions and have a hand in running all of our activities. No activity is run solely by adults. By this, we give our teens every opportunity to grow in personal development as well as in Faith.

Youth Ministry is Holistic, by this we try to plan activities throughout the year that meet the Spiritual, Individual, Community, Family, and Social needs of all young Christians. We also try to encourage a better understanding of our Catholic Faith and Traditions, as well as offer opportunities for Christian Service and Outreach.

The goals of our group are to educate our teens in their faith and to supply them with the tools needed to live a positive Christian lifestyle. We also want them to be vital and active members of the Church and local communities.  Our other major goal is to teach our teens to have confidence in themselves and their abilities. We want them to learn to take responsibility for the group as well as their own personal actions.

CYO meets every Tuesday night throughout the school year for topic nights. Our meetings run from 7:30-9 pm in the St. Michael’s Parish Hall. 

New Parishioners

Members of this committee call the new parishioners as they register to welcome them to our parish and to answer any questions they may have. For those who speak Filipino, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, or Italian, we have members who also speak these languages. The committee also invites all new parishioners to a special liturgy once a year to meet our parish members. 

Rosary Altar Society​

This is an organization of the parish.  We meet on the first Monday of each month from October to May.  There is no meeting in January.  The meetings begin in church at 3:00 P.M. with the recitation of the Rosary and service dedicated to our Blessed Mother.  We proceed to the parish hall, where there is a business meeting followed by a program and refreshments.  Our dedicated members furnish and refurbish the altar linens, provide hosts for Communion, and sew Baptismal robes for babies being baptized. Funds for our charitable activities are raised through our annual cake sale and Palm Cross sale. We have an Annual Communion Breakfast in October, a Christmas Party, and a May Crowning at our May meeting.  We invite all women of the parish to join us.