Religious Education and Sacramental Programs
Religious Education for grades one through six is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons from September through May. The schedule follows the Union Public School schedule as closely as possible. Information regarding registration is published in the church bulletin.
Our 7th and 8th-grade Religious Education program is modeled on small groups. Catechists work with groups of 8-12 students for two semesters, one in the fall and the other in the winter spring. Classes are held on Monday evenings for an hour and a half.
The office of Religious Education is available for more information.
Sacramental Program
The preparation process for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are coordinated for all families of our parish through the office of Religious Education. To discuss detailed information or individual needs, please call the office of Religious Education.
Adult Faith Formation
Faith Formation is a lifelong process. Throughout the year opportunities for faith formation for adults may be offered. These opportunities may be for an evening or a series of evenings focusing on the foundations of our faith. Plans are in the process; as they develop, information will be available through the parish bulletin.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The process celebrates and fully initiates into the Catholic Church those who have not been baptized, those who have been baptized into another church, and who wish to become Catholic but have not celebrated Eucharist or Confirmation. Young adults (18+), and adults are welcomed and invited into this process.